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Barrenjoey Lighthouse walk. Worth the view?

I can tell you now. Yes, the walk is worth the view.

We drove to the start of the walk and used the parking machines to pay for parking. I paid for more than 2 hrs of parking which we didn't end up needing. I would opt for 1.5 hrs. The machines accept coins and card.

To get to the lighthouse you have to walk along Barrenjoey beach until you get to an opening and a sign pointing you to go right and up a set of stairs. There are two options to get to the lighthouse. One is shorter and steep, while the other is 5 mins longer and slightly flatter. We opted for the longer route.

The view emerges along the walk and makes the experience even more enjoyable. There are spots along the way to take pictures and lots of nice rocks to pose upon. It rained the day before and the ground was slightly slippery. Ensure you wear shoes with tread. Once we reached the top, the stunning lighthouse was directly in front of us. Peaking around the corner of the lighthouse is the view everyone comes for. Palm Beach and Barrenjoey Beach both shine from high up. Walking to the other side, you are able to read information about whales and migrating season. You can look out to the Central Coast on this side, with Pearl and Patogna beach not too far away.

The walk itself was quite short. We were up and down in 1hr and 10 minutes. I would describe the difficulty as medium. While short, it was quite steep in some parts. Coming down, we opted to walk across to Palm Beach and enjoyed the view there also.

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